"Speak, Immortal One, And tell the tale once more in our time."
—Opening lines of The Odyssey, translated by Stanley Lombardo (2000)Now Available:
Dignity Not Detention: An Anthology of Poems by Detainees & Their Allies
Edited by Katie Farris & Jenny Minniti- Shippey
Poems · Bilingual: English & Spanish

About Dignity Not Detention
Calypso Editions is honored to present the poems of these brave refugees and detainees alongside poets from outside detention in this new anthology, with a special afterword by Ilya Kaminsky, who judged the 2019 #DignityNotDetention prize. All poems have been translated from and into some of the languages spoken at Otay Mesa Detention Center. All proceeds from the sale of the limited print run will be donated via Allies to End Detention to detainee accounts at Otay Mesa Detention Center. Once the print run is sold through, the anthology will be made available as a free digital book through the Calypso website.