by Calypso | Mar 13, 2015 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
We are thrilled to announce that the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic has awarded Calypso Editions a grant to support the publication of Stomach of the Soul! Stomach of the Soul is a volume of poems by Sylva Fischerová, translated by author, Stuart Friebert,...
by Calypso | Feb 11, 2014 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
An essay by Boris Dralyuk, the brilliant translator, scholar and Calypso author, is the featured piece over at World Literature Today’s Translation Tuesday blog. Boris reflects on collaborative translation and introduces a wonderful Lithuanian poet. Don’t...
by Calypso | Jan 6, 2014 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
USE: A Poem, by Derick Burleson, gets reviewed in the latest issue of The Raven Chronicles. The reviewer, poet James Bertolino, calls USE a “delightfully original book.” We couldn’t agree more!
by Calypso | Dec 18, 2013 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
Many warm thanks to Liana Andreasen and Atticus Review for writing insightfully about Martin Woodside’s Of Gentle Wolves: An Anthology of Romanian Poetry!
by Calypso | Dec 12, 2013 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
An excerpt from Efraín Bartolomé’s Ocosingo War Diary: Voices from Chiapas, translated by Kevin Brown, is included in the current issue of K1N, a Canadian journal of literary translation. Calypso Editions is thrilled to be publishing the Diary next...
by Calypso | Dec 11, 2013 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
World Literature Today, the excellent magazine of international writing, has just announced its 75 Notable Translations of 2013. Both Froth: Poems by Jarosław Mikołajewski and Athanor and Other Pohems by Gellu Naum have made the list! Many thanks to World Literature...