by Calypso | Dec 2, 2013 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
Many thanks to World Literature Today, a wonderful magazine dedicated to featuring poets and writers from around the world, for including a poem by Sylva Fischerová in their January issue. In 2014, Calypso Editions will publish a collection of the Czech poet’s work in...
by Calypso | Oct 2, 2013 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
An excerpt from Efraín Bartolomé’s Ocosingo War Diary: Voices from Chiapas, translated by Kevin Brown, is included in the forthcoming issue of Hayden’s Ferry Review. Calypso Editions is thrilled to be publishing the Diary next year!
by Calypso | Sep 18, 2013 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
The latest issue of Plume includes two poems by the Czech poet Sylva Fischerová, translated by the author and Stuart Friebert. In 2014 Calypso Editions will publish Fischerová’s The Stomach of the Soul. Happy reading!
by Calypso | Sep 10, 2013 | Uncategorized
Leo Tolstoy’s How Much Land Does a Man Need, in Boris Dralyuk’s brilliant translation, is currently available as a Kindle book, and will soon be available on iBookstore, and Barnes and Noble Nook store. The ebook comes with a cool function that allows the...
by Calypso | Aug 14, 2013 | Uncategorized
Calypso Editions is proud to publish literature translated into English by dedicated poets and writers, and so we ask you to help spread the news about the Translation Fellowships sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. The applications are being accepted...
by Calypso | Jul 29, 2013 | Calypso Close-Ups, Uncategorized
Many thanks to Jewish Currents for publishing two of Sylva Fischerová’s poems in their upcoming issue. In 2014, Calypso Editions will publish a collection of the Czech poet’s work in Stuart Friebert’s translation. Stay tuned!