Calypso founding member Piotr Florczyk will be part of UCLA Slavic Department’s reading and discussion of poetry and translation. The event features Piotr, an award-winning American poet and translator from his native Polish, and Polina Barskova, one of the leading contemporary Russian poets.
Here are the details from the department‘s website:
Polina Barskova, born in 1976, is widely regarded as one of the most important Russian poets of her generation. Her first book of poems was published when she was still a teenager, and she has released seven volumes since. Last year, Barskova’s latest collection was short-listed for the prestigious Andrei Bely Prize. After receiving a degree in Russian Literature and Classics from St. Petersburg University, she came to the US, where she earned a Ph.D. in Russian Literature from UC Berkeley. Barskova teaches at Hampshire College. The Zoo in Winter (Melville House, 2011), translated by Boris Dralyuk and David Stromberg, is her first major collection in English translation.
Piotr Florczyk is an American poet and a translator from his native Polish. With Been and Gone (Marick Press, 2009), he introduced the English-speaking audience to Julian Kornhauser (1946-), one of the foremost Polish poets of the Generation of ‘68. He is also the translator of a forthcoming collection by Anna Swir (1909-84), Building the Barricade and Other Poems (Calypso Editions, 2011). He is the recipient of the 2007 Anna Akhmatova Fellowship for Younger Translators, holds an MFA from SDSU, and has taught at the University of Delaware. Florczyk’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Slate, Boston Review, The Southern Review, World Literature Today, Chelsea, Poetry International, and a variety of other journals.
Location : Royce 306
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